On the
Bo Bunny blog today we are sharing with you projects created by the design team using the new collection
Ad lib. Make sure you stop by and check out what the other ladies have created!
This release has fast become a favorite of mine! I love the bright, bold colors and the funky, hand drawn designs. This is the first layout I have created using this collection and I had a blast playing with it! I made another one while I had it all out , but it's not for sharing just yet! Sorry to be such a tease!
I thought the fun feel of the papers went perfect with these photos of Danny and Woody! Danny was happy to see this layout created, but it made him miss Woody even more since he has not made the move with us just yet. Unfortunately there is not room for him in our 2 bedroom apartment! We are hoping that he can join us very soon. It would certainly put a huge smile on Danny's face to be able to spend some time with him!

For the layout I did a lot of cut work. The circles are cut out of one sheet of the Ad Lib Stripe paper and then layered onto another piece of it to give it some more dimension. Now that I look at it I wish I had dome some more cutting to make it even more dimensional. Oh well! live, learn and have some fun in the process!!! And I did have fun as I paint on the circles in coordinating glitter paint by
Folk Art. It is called Extreme Glitter! And extreme it is! I am in love with this stuff and for some reason I just love the smell of it!
In the process of creating, sometimes you have to take a "mistake" and "fix" it. I had to do just that with the stitching I did on this LO. I originally sewed it with white thread, however, after I finished sewing I realized you couldn't see it very well. What to do? What to do? Well, I decided to color over it with a black marker. I think it did the trick. What do you think?

Here you can see a close up of the layering I did using the chipboard and wraps! Here's a little tip to share: I gave the stickers more dimension by adhering them to the top strip of the 12x12 Chipboard (you know the border piece at the top of all the lovely, fun cut out pieces) and then trimmed around it. And waa laa, I had my own chipboard sticker! And the wraps! I totally love that gauzy yellow trim that coordinates with the
Ad Lib collection! I just wish I had yards of it to play with!!!

new buttons Bo Bunny has added to their most recent releases are so fun! They have a great mix of colors and textures in the packages and they should add a super fun element to any project you have in mind!

Well, that all for today folks!
Thanks again for another visit!