tag you're it!
i was tagged once by Amy...i failed miserably & didn't follow through. i am soooo sorry!
i am not good at following through with these kinds of things
i have warned you!
but i am going to give this one a go
7 random things about me:
1. i was valedictorian of my high school class
2. i hit the snooze at least 3 times each morning before i can get myself out of bed
3. i find it so relaxing to ride in a boat as it cruises along KY lake
4. i have a love-hate relationship with vintage collagey things
5. i am named after my great-great grandmother
6. i am scared to death of deep water especially if i can't see the bottom. swimming pools are OK!!!
7. i am addicted to Dr. Pepper & if vanilla is added to it...step back!!!
now you know a few random tidbits about me!
since i am not good a following through i am only going to tag a few people...
1. Rachel - you are the bestest and what are best friends for right?!?! love you girlie!!!
2. Raechelle - so fun & so creative!
3. Melanie - she just asked me a cool question & i have to admit i have been secretly following her blog!!!
4. Layle - one of my scrappy idols! i hope you'll play along!
5. Staci - so sweet & creative!
thankful for many things
we had a wonderful day celebrating and spending time with my family yesterday.
i had each of my family members write down some things they are thankful for on a piece of cardstock. i also took a photo of each person. i have a little project in mind that i will of course share when it is completed.
i want to share some things that i am thankful for:
my husband
God's love & mercy
my family
our health
my job
our home
that my husband's business is growing
my creativity
my friends
and of course Dr. Pepper!
lately i have been having a tough time spending a lot of time on the computer. i am waaaaayyyy behind reading my fave blogs. i love all the inspiration i get from reading them. i am trying to catch up this morning, but i fear it will take too long to really read them all. i also feel like i have so many scrappy projects (ones i am doing for myself or as gifts for Christmas) & not enough time to do them all! i have piles of things that i am going to use for this project or that project all over my scrappy room. i hope to get a few finished today! and of course i will share some of them!
i have one scrappy thing to share. my final kit project for CMK using the November kit. i can't tell you enough how much i loved this kit!!! i was only able to get the album cover completed for this family tree mini. the inside pages are started but there are no photos. i am going to be including some copies of some old photos from my mothers side of the family back to my great-great grandparents. the photos need a lot of photoshopping & i just haven't had the time to sit down & do it yet. i hope to soon. maybe i can talk my DH into helping me!!!TFL!

making my memories magical...
here are my projects for Chipboard Artist Round 2 at Magistical Memories...
and please feel free to check out the other girls work! there are some fantastic projects and tons of inspiration!!!
1. for my first project i used white oak leaf.
i painted each leaf a color close to the color of glitter i wanted to use.
i made a mixture of clear embossing powder and glitter for each of the leaves using the color of glitter that matched the paint on each leaf.
once the paint was dry i inked the leaf with versamark ink and then sprinkled the corresponding glitter mixture on it and heat embossed it.
i also pulled out an oldie but goodie...my paper crimper and crimped the green strip on the left hand side.
the frame is made from distressed cardboard.

on this one i used shining so brightly star.
i wanted the star to look like it was covered with snow. i didn't have any of that "fake" snow stuff so i made my own!
i painted the star white. once dry i applied glue all over the surface and then covered it with ultra thick embossing powder. i had to let it dry overnight. once dry i painted it white and there you go...a snow covered star!
i made the crepe paper medallion by just running some thread along one edge and pulling it tight to form a circle.

on this one i used potty people and mini film strip border.
i left these naked with the exception of doodling around the edge of the potty people with a white gel pen. i felt they matched the LO better this way!

i made this one using flutterby.
the top and bottom butterflies are covered with tulle! i used the same technique on the middle butterfly as i used on the white oak leaves above.
for the top and bottom butterfly i painted each piece the pink of my choice.
once dry i applied versamark and clear embossing powder and heat embossed it.
while it was still melty i placed/pushed the tulle into the embossing powder.
it stuck & gave a wonderful texture to them.
i cut off the excess tulle leaving a small border around each butterfly.
2 words of caution...the embossing powder gets hot so be careful you don't burn your finger & the tulle "melts" very easily if you hit it with the heat gun.

pumpkin cupcakes
and these cupcakes are sooooo yummy! if you love pumpkin, i highly recommend giving these a try! and yes, they are topped with cream cheese icing!!!

here's the recipe if you are interested:
Pumpkin Cupcakes
makes 24
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon coarse salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1 cup packed light brown sugar
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup unsalted butter, melted & cooled
4 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 can pumpkin puree (15 ounces)
2. In a large bowl, whisk together, brown sugar, granulated sugar, butter & eggs. Add dry ingredients, and whisk until smooth. Whisk in pumpkin puree.
3. Divide batter evenly among liners, filling each about halfway. Bake until tops spring back when touched, & a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean, 20 to 25 minutes, rotating pans once if needed. Transfer to a wire rack; let cool completely.
happy baking or scrapping!!!
i love chipboard!!!!
i made it to round 2 of the Magistical Memories DT call!
i am super excited! i recieved my goodies in the mail yesterday & i can't wait to share what i am creating! this is going to be so much fun & such an amazing opportunity!
thank you Magistical Memories!!!
they are having some really fun give aways too! make sure you enter for your chance at some of their products!
i voted today...my thoughts on this day in history

for the first time since i turned 18 & was able to vote, i actually really cared about voting. i studied who i wanted to vote for & made my own educated decision. i did not base my decision on what family or friends thought, but on my own thoughts. i made my own choice.
i voted today.
i have never had a candidate move me to think, to want to be a part of this process, to want change, to believe it is possible, to dream about a better future for our country & our children. i feel free.
i voted today.
i woke up early to vote. i woke up nervous about this day. i woke up thinking about the history that is being made today. i waited in line before the polls opened. i cast my ballot. i made my choice.
i voted today.
i felt free to do my own thing. i feel free to believe in the future. i feel free for the first time.
expect i can not share my feelings with everyone. too many disagree with me. i don't like to argue with people whose minds are closed. i feel free.
i made my choice.
i voted today.
did you?

inspiration to share
my challenge is for you to incorporate tulle, mesh, or plastic canvas onto either a layout or card. don't be scared! just have fun & let your creativity take you where ever you want to go. i went all out with the tulle and made a fun ruffle border around the central part of my layout. please feel free to share your creations with me! i would love to see them!

you can check it out here. unfortunately it has sold out so hopefully you already have one coming to you!!! i was inspired by the amazingly talented Irene Tan to create the punched hole border on the photo. you can check more out about here at her blog. the photo frame is made from cardboard (the actual package the kit was shipped in!)
