i want to try to post at least once a week. kind of like a journal to keep track of life.
but i am going to back track just a little with this one.
9/7/08 - we celebrated my niece's 3rd birthday 9/7/08. d & i went to st. louis for the weekend to visit with everyone. we slept on an air mattress...bad idea. air mattress = no sleep! not good!
but emma had a great day! she wanted a barney birthday & she got one. the problem however, was finding barney related items to use for decorations, etc, barney is not popular right now, so it was darn near impossible to find anything. C still did a great job though & made the most adorable cake using a drawing of barney to make a barney shaped sugar cookie as the cake decoration! it was adorable! as far as gifts... emma got so many toys she didn't know what to play with or be next! a chef, a doctor, a carpenter, a gardener, a fireman...you name it she got it & can now be it! it is amazing how she can play & imagine & be whatever she wants. it really makes me stop & think about my own creativity or lack there of sometimes. oh to have that creative, uninhibited imagination!
9/8/08 - next up...danny turned 40! no big party or celebration. he doesn't enjoy having parties for himself or even receiving gifts. and with the budget we are on this year, that was no problem! i made him a card of course! and dinner...meatloaf, mashed potatoes, broccoli and invited mom & clyde over to celebrate. mom brought a salad & supplied the requested dessert...cherry pie! d's favorite! he later told me it was a wonderful birthday & just the kind he can really enjoy! i am so blessed that simple things make him happy!

9/10/08 - 3 years ago...i can't believe it has already been 3 years since we got married! the time has flown by & we have done & experienced so many things together! it has been so awesome!
to celebrate (i had the day off from work) we took a picnic lunch to cape county park, took our lounging beach chairs & set up in the shade under tree. we spent the afternoon relaxing, talking & reading. it was a wonderful way to spend the day & so much fun reminiscing about our wedding day. as my gift i made him a mini album with photos from us at the botanical gardens and journaled about all the wonderful & positive ways he has had an impact on me since we got married.
9/11/08 - danny got a bug...yes a bug in his ear. totally freaked me out! we spent 4 hours in the ER & all they did was succeed in killing the bug. the next morning he got in to see an ENT who successfully removed the bug & reassured him he really was going to be OK. so my advice for you...if this ever happens pour rubbing alcohol in your ear. it will kill the bug & stop the noise & pain the bug produces when it is so close to your ear drum. then hopefully you have the means to go to an ENT & have it removed with the proper tools!!!