adorable & sweet! my niece that is!
i got to see her last sunday and i actually got a few good ones of her.
she usually moves around so much all i get are big blurs on the camera!
i got this one by tricking her into holding the flower for me so i could takes its picture.
i just love her sense of wonder and imagination. makes you stop & realize how different the world could be if we weren't so influenced by others.
yesterday danny's friend and second dad, regis, came for a visit. today we are going to little rock, ar to see the clinton presidental museum. not quite my idea of fun, but the company will be good. maybe i'll get a few good pics along the way. no matter what, it is going to be great spending time this man who has had such a big influence on danny. and by the way did i mention he is the priest who married us!!!
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Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. ~Mother Teresa