i thought this weekend was going to be laid back. with regis in town, i thought we would just hang out around here. do some local site seeing, etc. but then friday evening he suggested going to little rock, arkansas to check out the clinton presidentional library. OK?!? not quite my idea of fun, but hanging out with him & danny should be fun, so why not? we got up early on saturday morning & hit the road. we arrived in little rock just in time for a fantastic thunderstorm with rain that i thought would never end. the museum was actually really interesting & i learned a ton about a man that i had never really liked. not that i had ever made up my own mind. i had been heavily influenced by my republican parents. now i realize that he actually did some really great things for this country. (i just hope we get some more good things happening soon after this next election!)
we checked out downtown little rock, but it was totally dead so we drove an hour in the direction toward home and at a hole in the wall country cookin' type restaurant. i loved it, they did not! i think the crawfish freaked 'em out!!!
the next morning we decided to stop off in memphis & see graceland. let me remind you, we did no planning for this trip other than the location of the library, it's hours of operation and reserve a hotel. we did not check into the prices for admission into graceland! jees!!! $8 to park your car, then $27 for the basic tour! as soon as we saw the prices, we decided not to stay. we checked out the souvenior shop, watched a dvd they had playing & decided to call it done. we had seen all we needed to see!!!

oh, and the other random thing...i am now part of the
random chaos design team!!!! yay!!!! my first project is due this sunday! make sure you check it out!!!